Raia Studio


The History of Crystals


Stone, wood, the mountains, metal, the trees – even us, the human body – vibrates at a frequency. Ancient practices unlock the secrets of the universe and transform them into practices, knowledge, and tools that we can then utilize when cultivating our own inner and outer worlds. Discover the History of Crystals.

For the skeptic, crystals are but a fad – simply adopted by those who can’t tell left from right, who believe a single stone may change your life.

But for the scientist, for the wanderer, for the wonderer, for the curious, for the artist, for the author who believes in shaping her own life cast out of her intentions, crystals are yet another tool to move her one step closer to her dreams and her destination.

If all vibrates at a frequency – stone, wood, mountains, even the human body, and science shows that the molecular structure of water changes depending on music and the environment, then how can we as humans compromised of 99% water not be influenced by external forces all the same? Why does the tide synch with the moon? Why does grounding help regulate your nervous system? Everything has a silent push and pull, harmonizing with nature.  Then too, if all crystals operate at a frequency different from our own, and as beings we tend to pick up on and regulate ourselves around the energies of the world, then of course crystals can be a helpful tool when setting an intention and harmonizing ourselves around that intention.

While crystals may not be the one-stop-shop some seek, they can be a helpful tool for crafting a life of intention.

From East to West, Old to New, Ancient to Present, across all religions and cultures, the elusive nature of the magic of crystals and their healing properties has endured.  From Egypt to Roman to Greek history, to Mesopotamia to the Mayans, Aztec and Incas, to India and Asia, crystals have reigned on past dynasties, kingdoms, and empires.

In Mayan history, the power of crystals was believed to be derived from the power of the earth. To the Aztecs, crystals had spirits inside of them. Chinese utilized crystals in their ancient healing practices. Buddhists believe crystals are used as messengers to transmit various energies. In Christianity, crystals adorned religious texts and sculptures as crystals were believed to manifest transcendence. Hindu’s belief is that cosmic energy ebbs and flows through our bodies, the molecules in space, and tangible objects in the universe. In Judaism, healing capabilities of crystals are recorded in both the Talmud and Zohar. Egyptians believed crystals were a powerful way to balance the body’s energy.

According to Inspiral Motion, “Because every element resonates at a different frequency, crystals are comprised of unique and creative frequency combinations. Your body (which has a flowing yet inconsistent frequency) will naturally try to match the frequency of a nearby crystal with its perfect, constant frequency by way of entrainment”. Formed through a process called crystallization, where atoms or molecules are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, crystals turn to solids of all different shapes, sizes, colors, and chemical and vibrational compounds.

When we create with intention, we have a tapestry (or guidelines, so to speak) for what we want our life to look like. We want more love. More authenticity. More self-trust. More peace. More speaking our truth. More alignment to our purpose. More soul freedom. More expression. More courage for stepping into our ability. And when we have these intentions, we can then curate our environment to support us stepping into this energy. Utilizing crystals for the frequencies which align to our intentions can be another practice to help us do this, and even for the skeptic, at worst, they remind us of our intention every time we wear the piece. Our designs are created around an intention, and each design leverages colors, numerology, and sacred geometry to help elevate the message of the piece that is underpinned by by the frequency of the crystals the piece is designed with. In this way, we can call the piece’s message forth and amplify it.  

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